I'm on the road, in search of food — food for my body, food for my mind, food for my soul. I dedicate this blog to peanut butter, my best friend. Food is what we're all about. Cheers!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Weight Loss Tips From George Ohsawa

In his book, Zen Macrobiotics, George Ohsawa includes "Obesity" in the section on "Specific Dietary Suggestions for Disease," page 143:

Diet No. 7 with 30 to 60 grams of raw radish, plus a little gomasio (50) for one month or more.

At the beginning of the section, before he gives the directions for obesity, George Ohsawa reminds us — "Don't forget that the following specific, symptomatic directions are not necessary if you are following Diet No. 7 or if your case is not critical."

Well, my case is certainly not critical! But nevertheless, I want to keep the principles of his dietary suggestion for "Obesity" in mind as I design my own weight-loss plan. Diet number seven is one-hundred percent whole grains, which are the most yang of the plant-based foods. Grains are the most central to a balanced diet. Radish (such as the white daikon radish) is more yin than whole grains, but not as much yin as most other vegetables, and it's closer to grains at the center of the diet. Raw radish is more yin than if it were cooked. All of this gives me clues for what foods to choose if I want to lose weight.

Now, I realize that George Ohsawa's dietary suggestion for obesity is a temporary treatment that I would only use as a jump-start for losing a great deal of weight. So now that I'm down to the last twenty pounds of weight that I want to lose, I need something different for my diet plan, something more broader as I become more focused.

Note: 30 to 60 grams of raw radish equals about 1 to 2 liquid ounces, or 2 to 4 tablespoons, or 1/8 to 1/4 cup. Also, for a recipe for gomasio (50) see page 67 of Zen Macrobiotics.

Related Blog Articles:
Designing My Own Weight Loss Diet
My Notes On The Macrobiotic Centering Diet
Diet #7 By George Ohsawa