I'm on the road, in search of food — food for my body, food for my mind, food for my soul. I dedicate this blog to peanut butter, my best friend. Food is what we're all about. Cheers!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Designing My Own Weight-Loss Diet

Happy New Year 2013! Today marks the beginning of a new loop around the spiral, promising to be an even better and more interesting year than the last one! 

After reviewing the last two years of eating No More Sugar, I've decided that it's finally time for me to go on a specific weight-loss diet. I intend to custom-design a diet plan that suits my needs personally and I'll follow it for a year and a half, so that it becomes a habit. After I've developed my plan, I think I'll begin the diet sometime next month, perhaps on Valentine's Day!

Over the years of my life, I have gone on several weight-loss plans that were designed by other people to be used by everybody, no matter what their individual situation or condition might be — including a "ketogenic high protein diet," the Weight Watchers Diet, and The Diet Center plan. 

By the time I was out of college, I had had enough of all dieting! I decided that I wanted to concentrate on eating good, wholesome, and nutritious food and be done with weight-loss diets. And so it was the perfect time for me to find the book, Zen Macrobiotics, on the grocery store shelf!

I have lost a lot of weight slowly ever since I started practicing macrobiotics and now I want to lose the last 20 pounds of stored fat around my middle that was the first to accumulate on my body and will finally be the last to leave. And I am more than ready for it!


Related Blog Articles:
What Is A Macrobiotic Diet, Really?
My Notes On The Macrobiotic Centering Diet