I'm on the road, in search of food — food for my body, food for my mind, food for my soul. I dedicate this blog to peanut butter, my best friend. Food is what we're all about. Cheers!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Adapting Our Diets To The Situation

Today I decided to have a bowl of barley-miso soup with wakame seaweed to break my fast in the morning. My body has been signaling me that I need more salt. (Certain macrobiotic books, such as Zen Macrobiotics, by George Ohsawa, and Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics, by Carl Ferre, explain how to read and interpret your body's signals.)

I thought it was interesting that my decision to have miso seaweed soup should be on a day that we may possibly receive some nuclear fallout on our West coastline from Japan. I believe that this salty alkalyzing soup is an excellent way to help counter the effects of radiation. I remember reading that a friend of George Ohsawa's who was a doctor in Japan during World War II was able to protect himself, his staff, and all the patients in his hospital from radiation sickness after the United States bombed Japan
because he knew about and practiced macrobiotics.

In his introductory book, Essential Guide to Macrobiotics, Carl Ferre talks about two approaches to healing with a "basic macrobiotic diet" and a "
macrobiotic centering diet." Both diets are comprised of eating whole grains, certain vegetables, beans (including miso), and seaweeds — the difference being in the proportions, the time lengths, and the types of restrictions. Both dietary approaches help you restore your body's own natural healing powers, which will keep you balanced, clear-headed, and more able to protect yourself in any situation.

Whole-barley miso soup with wakame seaweed like I had this morning for breakfast, by the way, is fortifying and very delicious! I talked about it in an earlier posting too: Whole Grain Barley Miso.

Julia and Carl Ferre are writing about "Macrobiotics and Radiation" on the George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation website (you can download a PDF page from there) and in "Macrobiotics Today." (You can subscribe to an online version or a printed hardcopy version of the magazine at the website.)

• The books Zen Macrobiotics by George Ohsawa and newly revised Essential Guide to Macrobiotics (formerly called
Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics), by Carl Ferre are both available from the George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation website.

• My favorite organic barley miso is from the Great Eastern Sun company.

• I get my favorite wakame seaweed from the New Leaf Market grocery store, provided by Rising Tide Sea Vegetables in Mendocino, California.

Related Articles:
Organic Farmers and SOS-Earth
Whole Grain Barley Miso