Today is Day #9 of my whole grain fast. I've decided to limit my meals to simply brown rice, a little unpasteurized soy sauce, and kukicha tea.
I think the drizzle of maple syrup I was having on my quinoa was too yin for my current situation (it's snowing, for example). Also, maple syrup, although natural, is not a whole food — obviously — the whole food would be the entire maple tree!
Whole foods, by definition, are perfectly balanced within themselves. Once we remove a part of the food, it is no longer whole. When we introduce food that is not whole into our bodies, we're introducing an imbalance that the body will automatically try to correct. This can be good or it can be detrimental depending on the current situation.
My goal here is to achieve a balance within myself. Therefore, it makes sense to choose only foods that are whole, and already balanced, giving me a head-start towards my goal.
Whole brown rice reportedly has the perfect ratio of potassium to sodium, 5:1, for the human body, providing us the perfect balance all by itself. Right now I want to get as close to the center, my center, as possible. Thus, my decision to eat only brown rice for a while.
Think about it. What foods are whole? Certainly not a steak! or a chicken leg! How about an egg? Or a sardine?
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