I'm on the road, in search of food — food for my body, food for my mind, food for my soul. I dedicate this blog to peanut butter, my best friend. Food is what we're all about. Cheers!

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Very First Time At Macrobiotic Summer Camp

Finally my wish came true! I went to French Meadows Macrobiotic Summer Camp this year, and what a wonderful, wonderful experience I had! I don't even know where to begin telling you about it. So, I guess I'll start with the food!

I had already downloaded the camp menu before I arrived at camp, and I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. About a week earlier, I received a fortune cookie that said "Expect the Best!" and decided that the message was talking about the upcoming camp. Well it turns out that camp and the food were the best, and then it turned out to be way-way more better than the best!

I could not have imagined how wonderful this food would taste, after it had been cooked out in the open air, over a wood-burning stove, at an altitude over eight thousand feet high, by skilled macrobiotic master chefs and their sous-chefs. It was exquisite.

Walking into the diningroom for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised to see our lunch had already been plated and was sitting on the gigantic picnic tables under a canvas canopy at twelve o'clock sharp. 

At first glance the portions seemed smaller than I was used to, but then I saw how many different items were included on the plate and realized how balanced and complete the entire plate of food really was. There was a table in the center of the area designated for serving yourself to a bowl of soup, condiments, and eating utensils. And there was a buffet table at the front entrance where you could go back for more food any time during the lunch hour.

For newcomers like me, it was very helpful to be served nine days of excellent macrobiotic food without having to prepare it myself. I was then able to directly benefit from the balanced nutrition and still have time to absorb the concentrated learning and healing from all the lectures, workshops, cooking classes, fun-time in the mountains, and private healing sessions that camp had to offer.

Now I understand much better what George Ohsawa meant when he said to start with the food and yin-yang theory — "It is a method that guarantees more than just a medical cure (simple elimination of symptoms) and the control of physiological health; it promises peace of soul, liberty, and justice within one's lifetime."

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Twelve Theorems
My Own Fat Camp
What Is A Macrobiotic Diet, Really?