Today I did a Google Search for "What Is Macrobiotics?" in quote marks, and to my surprise, I came up with 17,400 results—yipee! Of course, I don't know how I'm ever going to read all of them, but I'll figure out something. I am so happy that Macrobiotics has spread so far across the Internet, and that more and more people are finding out about it.
I want to recommend a few sites, whose answers to that question are pretty good answers, in my opinion:
1. On the web site for the George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation (USA, west coast, founded by Herman and Cornellia Aihara, and now operated by Carl and Julia Ferre), Carl answers the question "What Is Macrobiotics?", which also is an excerpt from his (very handy) little book called Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics available for $7.95 on the web site.
Also on the same web site, Julia continues to answer the question "What is Macrobiotics?" in Part 2 of a beginning series of articles she is writing on the subject.
2. On the web site for The Natural Cooking School (Belgium), an entire tab is dedicated to answering the question "What Is Macrobiotics?"
3. On the web site for the Kushi Institute (USA, east coast, founded by Michio and Aveline Kushi), Phiya Kushi answers the question "What Is Macrobiotics?" including a diagram of a food pyramid to illustrate the point.
Also, here's a link to one of my earlier posts, where I first address the question:
What is Macrobiotics?