All night long, last night, I dreamed about green vegetables — washing them, cutting them up, and putting them into containers for cooking later. Vegetables like broccoli, tiny brussels sprouts, and dried wakame seaweed. I woke up a couple of times, remembered each dream, and then fell back asleep to dream some more. I'm not kidding you! So, of course, I had to do green vegetables today, and they were delicious.
Last weekend I picked up some beautiful tiny little brussels sprouts at the Farmer's Market. This is such a wonderful surprise, to be able to go to an outdoor farmer's market in February! And to find a pretty big selection of produce available too!
Today, I sliced some of the brussels sprouts in half and browned them in a little unrefined sesame seed oil (Spectrum Naturals organic, unrefined sesame seed oil) in a small sauce pan. Then I covered the pan with a lid and lowered the heat way down to a tiny flame and allowed the vegetables to steam in their own juices. Then I turned the heat completely off and allowed the vegetables to sit for another 15 minutes or so. Deee-licious!
I ate these with a fresh pot of quinoa — see my earlier post, "South American Quinoa and Potatoes."